In a world that changes at dizzying speed, it's back to school for everyone, every day at work, at home, and at play. We're fortunate to live in a time when educational opportunities are just a click away.
Readers: Ready to tackle new skills? Whether you want to master Texas Hold 'em Poker or learn the secrets of international spies, you'll reach a point when hours and hours of YouTube videos are not enough. To take it to the next level, you'll have to read. And there's plenty to read - blogs, e-zines, and books, including free sources such as your public library. How do you retain all this new knowledge?
EnglishMaven.Org offers dozens of free online reading comprehension exercises. The site features a variety of English lessons, and reading comprehension is their most popular topic. Improve your reading speed, comprehension, and enjoyment with just a little practice.
Writers: All writers struggle with some aspect of the craft. You may be an evil genius when it comes to plotting but need help creating relatable characters. Or perhaps you've nailed the short story and want to take on a new challenge, maybe a screenplay. Polish your craft with a free course from top instructors. lists seventeen free courses from prompts to poetry offered by MIT, Yale, OpenUniversity, and others. Udemy offers writing courses ranging from five-minute videos to three-hour-long courses with multiple lectures. Paid lessons range from Grammar Boot Camp ($16.99) to World Building Workshop for Fantasy Writers ($20.99). Adventurers: Picking up a new sport is a fun way to break out of the summer doldrums. To learn the basics, visit SportsEd TV which offers free training in over 30 sports including golf, cycling, baseball, soccer, tennis, taekwondo, and football. Get equipped with used gear from a ret
ailer like Play It Again Sports or eBay and start mastering that new skill.
Follow these steps from to ensure success:
5 Steps to Mastering Any New Skill in Sport
Step One: Start where you are, not where you think you should be.
Step Two: Develop a growth mindset and ditch your limits.
Step Three: Practice. Practice. Practice.
Step Four: Get to know your learning process.
Step Five: Seek expert advice and be open to it.
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