Kelly Zimmer

Jan 14, 20222 min

A spicy Valentine podcast, tales of trial and hope, and a cozy mystery reading challenge

Cozy Mystery Fans: Are You Up for a Challenge?

Join the Cozy Mystery Challenge Facebook page. Read cozy mysteries, including the short story anthology Cozy Villages of Death featuring a story by me, Kelly Zimmer. Discuss with other mystery-minded readers. Discover new worlds of murder! Click here to visit the Cozy Mystery Challenge Facebook page:

Lovers' Lies: Short Stories

A Different Kind of Valentine's Treat

Explore role-play gone wrong, goldfish that eat loneliness, and a very literal leap into the unknown. Old love, cold love, true love, new love, dead love, making babies and making whoopee, disappointment, and contentment, playing at home, playing away or just playing; missed chances and new romances: everything from the first conversation to last breath, strange journeys, and stranger destinations. Warning: This one's a little spicy. For a taste, visit the podcast at

A heart-wrenching memoir full of hope

Determined Destination, Life's Imperfect Journey of Learning, and Love by Rita Wray Miller

"Each and every day as a five-year-old, I was responsible for getting myself up, getting myself dressed, and making my way ten blocks to school."

I don't read memoirs. I'm more of an escapist reader. However, the opening lines had me hooked on the author's journey from foster care to a new life. Rita Wray Miller shares stories of highlights, challenges, and struggles while staying focused on finding a path to a better life. Find it on Amazon at:

Crimeucopia - The I's Have It from Murderous Ink Press

An Amateur Sleuth-fest Anthology with something for everyone

Investigators and investigations are the mainstays of most crime fiction sub-genres. You'll find them all in this collection, from the Old Golden Age of country houses to the high-tech ultra-modern 21st Century, where Cyber Investigators appear baffled by old-fashioned motivations of power, greed, love, and revenge featuring my story, Conestoga Number Four. Find it on Amazon at: